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Which Voyager Character are you?

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  • Corvus

    Ah, Lieutenant Commander Tuvok. What would Janeway do without you? You are her most trusted advisor. Sometimes a little stodgy, you are learning to have a little fun on your long voyage. Just remember, steer clear of annoying Talaxian cooks.A to ciekawe........


    Hmm..Corvus, a co w tym takiego dziwnego?:) To jedyna mająca cokolwiek współnego z romulanami postac na Voyku:)


    Ja nie mówie o postaci...... zresztą postać Tuvoka mi sie podoba.Ja mówie o chrakterze, bardziej by mi odpowiadała postać Parisa.


    A mi wyszedł Chakotay, troche prawdy nawet w tym jest, ale... On jest za mało zwariowany jak dla mnie 😉 - You're Commander Chakotay. By no means a side kick, you are Janeway's first officer. Though she makes the tough calls, it's usually up to you to carry them out. You are brave, have a good heart, and are definitely on the spiritual side.


    Hmm... Kathryn Janeway Z Voykowych postaci chyba rzeczywiście jest do mnie najbardziej podobna. Renesans i zamiłowanie do angielskich powieści robią swoje 🙂


    Congratulations, you're Commander Chakotay. By no means a side kick, you are Janeway's first officer. Though she makes the tough calls, it's usually up to you to carry them out. You are brave, have a good heart, and are definitely on the spiritual side. No w sumie lepsze to niż gdybym miał np. Kaśką zostać (przynajmniej Chakotay to męska postać :D)


    Też sobie zrobiłem quiz 😀 . Wynik jak najbardziej mnie satysfakcjonuje. Chyba lepiej nie mogłem trafić. 😉 Congratulations, you're Commander Chakotay. By no means a side kick, you are Janeway's first officer. Though she makes the tough calls, it's usually up to you to carry them out. You are brave, have a good heart, and are definitely on the spiritual side.Tylko trochę krótka ta ankieta. 😎


    Captain Kathryn Janeway 😀 niezle 😎

    EMH Mark IX

    No zgadnijcie co mi wyszło??Cholera, chyba zaczynam myśleć jak prawdziwy EMH...Doktor w 100 procentach 😆


    No to klops... kapitan Excelsiora nosi od dzis obcisle, srebrne wdzianka... ciekawe jak bym w takim wygladal 🙂 Seven of Nine, Tertiary Adjunct of Unimatrix 01... your past is a very sad one. Even though you never really knew your parents well, you did grow up with a large family. However, your new family is much more important to you, and you will try your hardest to prove to them that you are worthy of their love. You may be a little frightened about what lies at the end of your journey, but the adventurer in you can't wait to see the outcome.


    Ah, Lieutenant Commander Tuvok. What would Janeway do without you? You are her most trusted advisor. Sometimes a little stodgy, you are learning to have a little fun on your long voyage. Just remember, steer clear of annoying Talaxian cooks.Ah, jak to sie stalo? 🙂


    jestem :Harry! Harry Kim, you are the youngest person on the senior staff. Everyone admires your courage through the trials of being so far from home Always the optimist, you always dream Voyager getting home. Just keep looking towards the future and your dreams will always come true.


    Ah, Lieutenant Commander Tuvok. What would Janeway do without you? You are her most trusted advisor. Sometimes a little stodgy, you are learning to have a little fun on your long voyage. Just remember, steer clear of annoying Talaxian cooks.Hmmmm... czy ja wiem, ja na mój gust trochę za zimny 🙂 ale podoba mi się jego zakłopotanie - dość częste.


    Super: You're Captain Kathryn Janeway – jakoś się nie widzę w takiej roli… Już raczej 7of9, albo ktoś z morderczym instynktem ;-)BTW – tak tendencyjnych pytań jeszcze nie widziałam...


    Tom Paris. Nawet nie spodziewałem się niczego innego... 😉

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