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Which Voyager Character are you?

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    Tom Paris...what to do with you? A joker, you see the Universe as a big roller coaster ride...with you at the wheel! eager to jump the gun, you're expertise at your job definately comes in handy.hieh 😛 .


    "You're Captain Kathryn Janeway. You're quick, decisive, intelligent, and you have one hell of a backhand in tennis. You're the leader of the group and, though you sometimes get weighed down with heavy decision making, you inevitably do what's right. Your conscience and good intentions pave the way home."Nieprawdopodobnie nie trafione. 😕


    "You're Captain Kathryn Janeway. 

    Nieprawdopodobnie nie trafione. 😕

    Czyżby?? 😀


    Owszem, owszem. 😛 Nie podejmuję szybko decyzji, nie mam dobrego backhandu, bo nie grywam w tenisa, i stanowczo nie jestem liderem czy przywódcą.Ten test chyba jakiś sfałszowany jest czy co... 😉


    Owszem, owszem. 😛 

    Nie podejmuję szybko decyzji, nie mam dobrego backhandu, bo nie grywam w tenisa, i stanowczo nie jestem liderem czy przywódcą.

    Ten test chyba jakiś sfałszowany jest czy co... 😉

    Nie ma co narzekać... znalazłem jeszcze podobny test na TNG i tam 50% osób trafia w Rikera, to postanowiłem się z nim nie wychylać 😉


    A mi na ISDN się załadować nie chcę 👿


    A mi na ISDN się załadować nie chcę  👿

    Jak tak bardzo chcesz to możemy ci ręcznie ten test przeprowadzić 😉


    A mnie wyszlo tak:You're Captain Kathryn Janeway. You're quick, decisive, intelligent, and you have one hell of a backhand in tennis. You're the leader of the group and, though you sometimes get weighed down with heavy decision making, you inevitably do what's right. Your conscience and good intentions pave the way home.Chyba bede musiala sobie 'glowke' zmienic. (?)


    Hehe 🙂 coz w sumie to moja ulubiona postac z voya 🙂

    Harry! Harry Kim, you are the youngest person on the senior staff. Everyone admires your courage through the trials of being so far from home. Always the optimist, you always dream of Voyager getting home. Just keep looking towards the future and your dreams will always come true.


    You're Captain Kathryn Janeway. You're quick, decisive, intelligent, and you have one hell of a backhand in tennis. You're the leader of the group and, though you sometimes get weighed down with heavy decision making, you inevitably do what's right. Your conscience and good intentions pave the way home.

    Ja to mam szczęście do kapitanów (w innym quizie miałem taką rangę 🙂 )

    Eddie_GcT : Moją ulubioną postacią z Voya jest Seven , chyba wiadomo dlaczego (ach te "implanty" borga) 😀 😉

    Tom fajnego masz avatara (kulfon) 😀



    No to teraz ja:Tom Paris...what to do with you? A joker, you see the Universe as a big roller coaster ride...with you at the wheel! eager to jump the gun, you're expertise at your job definately comes in handy.W sumie to się zgadza a wynika to z tego że wyznaje starą z gry Elite Force: "najpierw strzelaj potem pytaj".


    Ah, Lieutenant Commander Tuvok. What would Janeway do without you? You are her most trusted advisor. Sometimes a little stodgy, you are learning to have a little fun on your long voyage. Just remember, steer clear of annoying Talaxian cooksJak mogło być inaczej. Tuvok.


    ciekawe...:Harry! Harry Kim, you are the youngest person on the senior staff. Everyone admires your courage through the trials of being so far from home. Always the optimist, you always dream of Voyager getting home. Just keep looking towards the future and your dreams will always come.


    A mi wyszedl Tuvok.... kiedys bym sie cieszyl 😛


    Harry Kim nie dlaczego.......... 😡


    The Doctor. Hmmm...what to say about you. You rough demeanor at first was definately something to put people off, but soon you warmed up to your new role in daily life. You pursue music, art, and still make time for your work. You have definately evolved from your original programming.

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