Forum Rozmowy (nie)kontrolowane Mesa Kwiz - w jakiej armii II Wojny światowej byś walczył

Kwiz - w jakiej armii II Wojny światowej byś walczył

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  • Zarathos

    Mnie wyszła Polska jako nr 1, z Finlandią i Włochami na pozycji 2 i 3.


    A mnie wyszlo tak.You scored as a PolandYour army is Poland's army. Your tenacity will form a concept in the history of your nation and you're also ready to continue fighting even if your country is occupied by the enemy. Other nations that are included in this category are Greece, Norway, Belgium and the Netherlands.Miejsce 2 i 3 ; Brytyjczycy i ich Wspolnotanarodow , oraz Amerykanie. Co mnie jakos nie dziwi. ;P


    88% Finlandia i Polska :> potem Włochy. Trochę zdziwiony wynikiem jestem :>Your army is the army of Finland. You prefer to win your enemy by your wit rather than superior weapons. Enemy will have a hard time against your small but effective force.


    1 miejsce - 75 % Anglia ,2 Miejsce 63% Francja , 3 miejsce - 53% USA i Polska .


    88% Polska, 75% USA, 56% WB i Niemcy ;>


    You scored as a Japan.

    Your army is the Imperial Japan's army. You are ready to obey the Bushido code and you will make a fearless warrior whom your enemies will find hard to conquer.

    Japan 88%

    Poland 75%

    France, Free French and the Resistance 69%

    W sumie ok, ale skąd ta Francja? 😉


    You scored as a British and the CommonwealthYour army is the British and the Commonwealth (Canada, ANZAC, India). You want to serve under good generals and use good equipment in defense of the western form of life.British and the Commonwealth 88%Finland 88%Poland 75%No... powiedzmy. ;>


    Jestem zaskoczony ale zobaczcie sami.You scored as a FinlandYour army is the army of Finland. You prefer to win your enemy by your wit rather than superior weapons. Enemy will have a hard time against your small but effective force.Finland 88%Germany 75%Soviet Union 69%


    You scored as a France, Free French and the ResistanceYour army is the French army. You are prefer to win your enemies by politics than by sheer action, but when the war has started you will fight to the end with those resources you have and belive in freedom and victory in the end.France, Free French and the Resistance 63%Finland 63%United States 56%British and the Commonwealth 56%Poland 50% 😮

    The D

    Mi wyszło Polska i GB ex-aequo, choć opis pojawił sie jak dla Wielkiej Brytanii.


    A ja mam tak:1. Polska 94%2. WB 81%3. Francja4. FinlandiaOgólnie mówiąc to tak jak się spodziewałem 😀


    Finlandia - 81%USA/Niemcy/Japonia - po 75%Polska - 69%


    Your army is Poland's army. Your tenacity will form a concept in the history of your nation and you're also ready to continue fighting even if your country is occupied by the enemy. Other nations that are included in this category are Greece, Norway, Belgium and the Netherlands.W sumie nic dziwnego myśle ,że Amerykanie mieli by Ameryke, Anglicy Anglię itd.Swoją drogą za drugim razem - tak z ciekawości odpowiadałem specjalnie tak by mi wyszły Niemcy no i proszę:You scored as a GermanyRegardless of what are your political views, you could have made a career in German army. You believe in effective warfare by method of combined arms and superior military training.


    You scored as a JapanYour army is the Imperial Japan's army. You are ready to obey the Bushido code and you will make a fearless warrior whom your enemies will find hard to conquer.Japan 81%Germany 69%British and the Commonwealth 69%United States 56%Poland 56%Italy 56%Soviet Union 56%Finland 50%France, Free French and the Resistance 50%Coś ten test dziwny jest. A może to ja...


    A ja bede orginalny... a jak... chociaz liczylem na co innego... :-)Soviet Union 88%France, Free French and the Resistance 75%Finland 50%Poland 50%British and the Commonwealth 50%Germany 44%Japan 38%United States 25%Italy 13%

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